In the down season, between weddings and portrait sessions, most photographers look for opportunities to shoot just for the pleasure. A couple of days ago I was at the house when I noticed that the clouds to the west started to look interesting. It was 5:20 or so, and I only had a very short time to get to the Lake Murray Dam. If you’re fortunate, you get about 5-10 minutes to capture the colors of sunset at their peak. Sometimes less. The trick is to not let your camera tell you what you’re shooting. Occasionally you get lucky, but usually you just end up looking at the screen saying, “That’s not what I’m seeing!” You have to MAKE the camera shoot what you want. No photoshop here, just some minor adjustments to the contrast and calibration. Getting it right in camera makes the shot. Hope you enjoy. |
The Color of 10.
Wow! I can’t believe there wasn’t any photoshop! These are awesome!! Way to get it right in camera!! Honestly and truly, stunning images!
Such beautiful colours. Beautiful work!