I recently had an opportunity to go to the Prom. It was not just any ordinary Prom. It was one attended by a select group of students, and it was strictly – Invitation Only. By shear luck, I was asked to take the Prom photos of the exclusive clientele. It was both an honor and an amazing privilege to enjoy a few hours with these very special children.
It was the Special Needs Prom 2016. Every student there had their photo taken in traditional Prom style. But I also wanted to give the parents of these very remarkable students something more. I wanted them to have styled images of their kids that they might never have had. Images of their children whose simple, heartfelt joy is a lesson in life for us all.
I had to pick just ten to share here. I want to thank Frieda Wyatt and Renee Prince for the honor of being asked to help out with this great event.